
Offline Recruitment Notifications

SN.Advertisement No.Advertisment Name.Advt. DateViewDownload Application Form
1Advt. No. 46For the Post of Project Technical Support - III in the department of Microbiology 19/02/2025
2Advt. No. 42Merged Second and Third Cycle18/02/2025
3Advt. No. 45Walk-in-interview for one post of Fire Safety Officer under the University08/02/2025
4Advt. No. 44For the post of Data Manager for ART Centre, UPUMS, Saifai06/02/2025
5Advt. 43 MRUApplication invited for post of Research Scientist-I (01) on purely contractual basis at Multidisciplinary Research Unit18/11/2024
6 Advt. 37 CorrigendumThe post of Associate Professors in Faculty of Pharmacy22/10/2024
7Advt. No - 42Rolling advertisement for Faculty Positions in various broad specialties and super specialties05/10/2024
8Advt. No - 41Recruitment notification for faculty positions for OBC, SC and ST (Backlog Vacancies)05/09/2024
9Advt. No - 40Advt. For Post of Counsellor and Lab.Tech 31/08/2024
10Advt. no. 36 for the post of nursing officers.Report of document verification committee regarding adv. no. 36 for the post of nursing officers.29/07/2024 to 03/08/2024
11Advt. 39 SR and JR Non P.G.Advt. for the post of Senior residents / Junior Residents (Non P.G.) Valid till March 202510/08/2024
12Final list of Eligible Provisionally Eligible candidates for Cycle 4Final list of Eligible Provisionally Eligible candidates for Cycle 424/06/2024
13 Advt. No 37Faculty positions in Faculty of Paramedical Sciences & Faculty of Pharmacy20/06/2024
14Advt 29 Cycle-4List of candidates screened with their eligibility remarks for the Advt 29 Cycle-425/05/2024
15Advt. 35 for the post of Senior ResidentsAdvertisement for post of Senior Residents10/05/2024
16Advt. No 29Faculty positions in various broad specialties and super specialties available for Cycle 4 of Rolling11/03/2024
17Advt No. 34/UPUMS/Recruitment Cell/2023-24Computer Based Examination Through Online Medium 2023-2430/11/2023
18Advt No. 32/UPUMS/Recruitment Cell/2023-24Advt. for the post of Senior Resident10/08/2023
1931/ यूपीयूएमएस / चयन प्रकोष्ठ /आयुष्मान मित्र (22)/2023-24आयुष्मान भारत- प्रधानमंत्री जन आरोग्य योजना में भर्ती के सम्बन्ध में।18/07/2023
2030/यूपीयूएमएस/चयन प्रकोष्ठ/48-ए0आर0टी0/2023-24उ0प्र0 राज्य एड्स नियन्त्रण सोसायटी के सौजन्य से ए0आर0टी (एन्टी रेटोवाइरल थेरेपी) केन्द्र में निम्नलिखित पदों को संविदा के माध्यम से भरने हेतु30/06/2023
21UPUMS/ACAD/29/2023-24Rolling advertisement for Faculty Positions in various broad specialties and super specialties15/06/2023
2228/यूपीयूएमएस/ए0आर0टी0/2022-23Medical Officer पद हेतु संविदा पर नियुक्ति06/02/2023
23UPUMS/ACAD/27/2022-23Appointment of Medical Faculty on Regular/Contractual Basis04/02/2023
2426/यूपीयूएमएस/चयन प्रकोष्ठ/(721.CD)/2022-23Senior Resident and Junior Resident/Demonstrator25/01/2023
25Advt. No. 23 UPUMS/MRU/2022-23Applications are invited for the following posts on purely contractual basis for the project "Establishment of Multi-disciplinary Research Unit (MRU)" Research Scientist-II (01 Post), Research Scientist-I (01 Post), Lab Technician (02 Posts) and Lab Assistant (01 Post).03/09/2022
26Corrigendum/Addendum No. 295/UPUMS/ Recruitment Cell (55-II)/2022-23With reference to advt. No.UPUMS/ACAD/21/2022-23 dated 27-07-2022, some faculty posts are added for Recruitment and the deadline for the submission of the applications for all positions mentioned in the advertisement is being extended till 30-09-2022.03/09/2022
27Advt. 22 ART CentreAdvertisement for Post of Medical Officer and Care Coordinator25/08/2022
28Advt. No. 21 Advertisement for Faculty Positions and Medical Officer/Casualty Medical Officer28/07/2022
29Corrigendum Advt. No. UPUMS/ACAD/18/2021-22As per the Advt. No. UPUMS/ACAD/18/2021-22 dated 03-01-2022 published, the deadline for the submission of the applications for all positions is being extended till 28-02-2022 till 05:00 PM.12/02/2022
30Advt. No. 20 /UPUMS/Recruitment Cell/2021-22Applications are invited for the Medical Officer,Peer Educator/Supporter under National Viral Hepatitis Program (NVHCP), Department of General Medicine, UPUMS08/01/2022
31Advt._19_SR_JR_2021_22Advt. for the Senior Resident and Junior Resident/Demonstrator posts04/01/2022
32Advt. No. UPUMS/ACAD/18/2021-22Advertisement for the Faculty Positions03/01/2022
33Advt. No. 17 /UPUMS/Recruitment Cell/2021-22Advertisement for various posts on contractual basis for one year in medical college level vrdl, upums, saifai (up)03/12/2021